Kitchen bubbles

For the backsplash of the kitchen in their new house, my brother and his girlfriend asked me to make a design based on bubbles and the colors green and grey. After trying several design options and playing around with the bubble size and the behaviour around the edges, we decided to go for a design with several transitions taking place from bottom to top: smaller bubbles, less bubbles, lighter colors, and more irregularity in the bubble shapes and positions. It is printed on the back of a 270 by 60 cm glass plate, and reflects very nicely in the induction cooking plate.

Circular squares sweater

The desire to make a new self-designed sweater, in combination with inspiration from a pair of socks I got last Christmas (designed by Thijs Verhaar) and from one of my previous designs, resulted into this awesome sweater. The design runs endlessly around your body. When you stretch your armes to the sides, the design transitions from your one hand and arm, over your body, to your other arm and hand.

Circular transformations

In one of my previous purple transformation designs, a circle was gradually transforming into various other shapes, also utilizing randomized rotations and color changes. Friends of mine asked me to use that design as basis for a 160 by 60 cm wall decoration, based on the colors green and yellow. Additionally, I made the design such that the transfomation returns to its original circular shape. As a result, you can connect the right side of the design to its left side: truly circular.