Christmas card

For this year's Christmas card I designed a pattern based on Christmas trees. By randomizing the corner points and the color shades of the trees, each single tree becomes unique! After experimenting a bit with the removal of some selected trees to create a message, I decided to go for a collection of a few larger trees, to make their unique character easier to see.


For our wedding, my fiancée and me were looking for a colorful and festive design theme to use in our invitations and website. After some research we were especially charmed by a 'confetti' design, consisting of many circle-like (or circlike) dots in a few selected colors. One of the interesting properties of these confetti is that their shape is approximately round, while they all have their own unique irregularities. To construct these shapes, I used the mathematical formula for quadratic Bézier curves. By displacing the circle points in between their control points, the overall circular shape becomes deformed while keeping the edge smooth.

Image patterns for Art Route

In response to an invitation from my employer to submit work for an Art Route throughout the offices, I created some patterns with colors based on 'high-tech' images. The design that I finally submitted uses a pattern that is based on the shapes of the 'Parksteen' tiles found around most of the offices, designed by the company Aquaflow®. My design links the futuristic steps of space travel and colonization, with this down-to-earth stepping stone pattern.